Alexandre Desplat, Valerian & The Arturia MatrixBrute

Alexandre Desplat, Valerian & The Arturia MatrixBrute


Last Updated on July 26, 2017 by Andrew Culture

Arturia are quite rightly very proud of the rapidly growing reputation of their flagship synthesizer The MatrixBrute.  Arturia are also not shy when it comes to shouting about the big names who use their hardware, which is fine by us, because this is the sort of information we love.  Few things excite music makers more than knowing exactly which synth is being used by whom and for what.

The impressive flexibility of the Arturia MatrixBrute has earned it a place of importance outside of the mainstream music world, and it has entered the hallowed studios of some of the best film score composers.

To showcase how the MatrixBrute is being used in the world of film Arturia have teamed up with renowned composer Alexandre Desplat to create a short documentary showing how the MatrixBrute was used in the soundtrack for the new Luc Besson sci-fi epic ‘Valerian’.

The short film, which is number 41 in the ‘Artists and Arturia series, we get to see behind the scenes of how a composer creates a film score.  Desplat expresses his love of the ‘playful’ MatrixBrute and reveals some of the exact moments in the film when the keen eared synth fan will be able to hear the MatrixBrute in full effect.

What’s really interesting about this short documentary is how Desplat, as a composer,  uses the MatrixBrute to enhance and re-enforce the sounds of an orchestra.  The short documentary shows how Alexandre pieces together the soundtrack for Valerian, and gives a decent amount of screen time to showing us the software layout he uses to score movies.  We say ‘decent’ because seeing tools like this in use is what us music geeks really get a kick out of.

We recommend watching the short documentary (see above) to anyone who has an interest in the inner-workings of a composer’s mind.  But the appeal is really much broader than just synth geekery, this short film shows how the new breed of analog synthesizers are proving that analog is just as relevant to the music world now as it ever was, if not more so.

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